Sunday, January 20, 2008

rm to mp3

Registration Key

reg name: anupam

key : ECBF526A-94044DD3-02EC5FA3-C97E863A-7C2C85DA-CA16673C-194B2AB6-5EC4A569

access system properties

if it is locked by the administrative or regedit do as follows,....

[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: NoPropertiesMyComputer
Value Data: [0 - Display Properties / 1 - Hide Properties]
Exit Registry and Reboot

u can simply get the site ip address by nslookup command in dos..

just open command promt & type nslookup [siteaURL] & hit enter..

for example: nslookup gives u d yahoo site's ip address which is

for getting site ip u can also use IPTools software which is a good tool for this purpose...

knowing IP address...

actually sometimes we need to knw IP address of any wen some sites r blocked...den v can access dem by entering their IP addresses in d address to knw dis small thing:

open a new document in notepad
2.type this EXACTLY AS IT IS:

title Proxy

3. now click file.
4. now click save as
5. now save it as proxy.bat (U MUST HAVE .bat AT THE END OR IT WILL NOT WORK!!!
6. go to wherever u saved the file and it should be an icon with gears on it.
7. open that up
8. type the URL of the website u wana access
9. it will give u the IP of the website
10. type that into ur browser and delete the proxy u just made!!!!

actually dis stuff doesnt relates to d community i got to knw dis today..and thought to share it...